
  • Propose a project - potential services include: innovation and creative problem-solving, marketing and communications, community problem-solving, market research, data analysis, health communications, energy audits and recommendations, Spanish translation, research on global markets, process improvement, and other custom services. Request a ChangeLab Team to work for your organization (non-profit, business, government entity, or community initiative), by contacting Erin Lewis, executive director,, 812-488-5002.

  • Volunteer to coach a project or to serve as an additional resource to a project. To volunteer, contact Erin Lewis, executive director, or 812-488-5002.

  • Support the program financially - ChangeLab is only possible due to generous support from outside donors, grants, and companies who pay for their teams’ work. Each project requires a faculty or outside coach and some resources to make it possible. If you believe in young people learning how to creatively problem solve in interdisciplinary ways for the betterment of our community, we hope you’ll consider making a donation to help sustain the ChangeLab program. Individual projects may be sponsored by contacting Erin Lewis, or you can make a general donation.

For more information, contact:

Erin Lewis