
bettypoole '02和'06 拥有通识教育学士学位和公共管理理学硕士学位, 都来自英国威廉希尔中文网站. She served as the Homeless Liaison with the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, 并与NAEHCY(全国无家可归儿童和青少年教育协会)一起担任董事会全国会议联合主席.

迈克尔D. Woodard 69 earned a Masters Degree in 1979 and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1984. 他为联邦和州政府机构提供平等就业机会项目评估方面的技术援助, 合规评估, 以及替代性争议解决. At UE he was a member of the Epsilon Iota Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. 他在大学期间在UE担任足球明星后,在大陆足球联盟的印第安纳波利斯帽队打职业足球. He was inducted into the UE Athletic Hall of Fame in 1978.

大卫·沙希德1969年 以B成绩毕业.S. in business administration, and then went on to receive his juris doctorate degree. Shaheed served as the magistrate of Marion County Superior Court in 印第安纳州polis. Shaheed was elected judge in 2001 and served until 2014. 他现在是一名高级法官. 了解更多关于 David’s miracle basketball shot for Evansville.

罗纳德·格拉斯,1968年 (已故)以B毕业.A. 在剧院. 他在长期播放的电视特别节目“巴尼·米勒”和电视连续剧“先生. 罗兹”.

Dr. 罗斯·梅斯,67年 得了B.S. 在护理. Dr. 梅斯从印第安纳大学护理学院退休,该学院位于印第安纳波利斯的IUPUI校区. She currently serves on the University's Board of 受托人.

塔尔梅奇·维克58年 was the Chairman of the Really Concerned Citizens Organization, 1971年,伊万斯维尔范德堡学校公司向联邦法院提起诉讼,要求整合所有学校. 结果是, 联邦地区法院将EVSC学校系统纳入管辖范围,直到它被整合,并下令采取一项废除种族隔离的计划. 他们的努力促进了平权行动和惠及埃文斯维尔黑人和少数民族的联邦项目的增加, along with providing and opening more job opportunities for Blacks in the EVSC, 这归功于该组织的努力和1972年中西部地区法官S. 休·狄龙.

Based on his actions and efforts as Chairman of the (RCC) - Mr. Vick was (Black Balled) by the EVSC for many years in his career. He had more secondary educational licenses, experience and credentials plus numerous hours of post graduate work. 然而, 在他与EVSC的大部分职业生涯中,他被忽视了晋升和职位,他有资格申请.

Mr. 1968年,埃文斯维尔市议会通过了《威廉希尔中文网》,维克也发挥了重要作用, 该条例是为了防止并不再允许埃文斯维尔在《威廉希尔中文网》之前的“划定红线”的惯例非裔美国人不能住在肯塔基大道上. After the Open Housing Ordinance was passed it gave Blacks the first opportunity to buy a home, rent an apartment and live where the wanted Mr. Vick wrote, developed, and taught Black History studies courses for EVSC.

Mr. 维克因其在埃文斯维尔的服务而被选中,并获得了许多教育和社区服务奖.

Don Ricketts, 55岁 graduated valedictorian from Evansville’s Lincoln High School in 1950, 并在埃文斯维尔学院继续他的教育,在那里他获得了电子工程学士学位和合作工程证书. 随后, 先后获得波士顿大学和东北大学数学学士和硕士学位, 分别.

He was an internationally recognized expert on piezoelectric polymer transducers. He was named author of the year at Raytheon SSD in 1980, 1985, 1986年,他在《威廉希尔中文网》上发表了关于压电聚合物换能器的论文. He has published 14 technical papers and holds two patents for polymer transducers. In the year 2000, Donald received 英国威廉希尔中文网站 Distinguished Alumnus Award.

2012年,唐纳德·里基茨奖学金与埃文斯维尔非裔美国人博物馆一起成立. 该奖学金是为就读于全日制认可学院或大学理科专业的学生提供的, 数学, 或技术.


为纪念杨先生所作的贡献. 里基茨可以送到埃文斯维尔非裔美国人博物馆,由唐纳德·里基茨奖学金基金保管.

维拉·肖恩·汤普森,39岁 was the second "4 year" black student to graduate from Evansville College.

1月19日出生, 1919年在埃文斯维尔, 印第安纳州, Vera was the 8th of 9 children born to Alvin and Fannie Shane. 维拉在埃文斯维尔历史悠久的自由浸信会教堂做礼拜,并于1935年以致告别词的身份从林肯高中毕业.

Vera Shane graduated from Evansville College in June 1939 with a Bachelor of Science Degree, majoring in Sociology with a minor in Education. 从埃文斯维尔学院毕业后, 在埃文斯维尔,作为一名社会学领域的黑人女性,维拉的工作机会并不多. After working a year as a social worker, Vera went to Chicago. Vera worked as an Industrial Field Representative for the Chicago Urban League. 她负责协调许多活动,帮助黑人妇女被芝加哥的跨国公司雇用. 按照管理层的定义,她是“优秀的”,因为她在美国黑人极具挑战性的时期为他们打开了大门. Vera had her fingers on the pulse of all the available jobs in the Chicago area.

It was in Chicago where she met her future husband. 威廉上校. 汤普森. 汤普森 was part of the Civil Aviation Pilot Training Program at Harlem Airport. 汤普森 became one of the first pilots of the 99th pursuit Squadron, 第一批塔斯基吉飞行员之一.

Vera continued her education at Chicago Teacher's College, where she earned her Masters of Education degree. During that period most teachers in Chicago were white. Vera ventured into special education as a field in the Chicago Public School system. She worked in several positions in her career. 教师、辅导员、代理校长助理、特殊教育系主任. She worked at several schools in the Chicago area to include Du Sable High School. Vera retired in 1986 after 30 years of service. Vera felt that she could have become a principal at a school, but she enjoyed the contact with students more than administrative work.

Vera was honored by UE black alumni at a dinner reception in 2008. She received the UE Medal of Honor at the 2008 Commencement ceremony.

弗雷德·邓肯49 was a charter member of the first interracial fraternity at Evansville College, Pi Kappa fraternity serving as Vice President the initial year. 他是第二次世界大战的老兵. Mr. Duncan was active in the Student Council and the Glee Club.

Mr. Duncan was also active in the Evansville community. 1949年. 邓肯帮助埃文斯维尔的林肯高中(当时全是黑人学校)获得批准,与该地区所有白人学校进行身体接触运动.

Mr. 邓肯还帮助拆除了当地灰狗巴士站带有种族主义色彩的“有色人种专用”标志. 最后,先生. 邓肯领导了结束种族主义的努力, 禁止黑人在埃文斯维尔的公共网球场打球的歧视性政策.

威廉·贝尔49年 中等教育专业. Born in 1925 in Clarksville, Tennessee to Gilbert and Minnie Bell. 他是第二次世界大战的老兵 serving in the Marine Corps. 在埃文斯维尔学院,他多次登上院长的名单,并获得了著名的校园名人称号, likely one of the first black students to be recognized in that campus category. 他还被选为校园里的大轮子,并两次被选为埃文斯维尔学院的名人录代表之一, again likely the first black male to be recognized in that category at Evansville College.

Mr. Bell was President of the Glee Club, played piano and composed music. Despite his impressive credentials in college, 20世纪40年代,美国的种族歧视政策成为了他进入美国的障碍. Bell to fully utilize and gain recognition for his skills. Mr. 贝尔在埃文斯维尔林肯高中的公立学校系统担任了几年的教育工作者. He would later move to Gary, 印第安纳州 where he retired from the Gary School District in 2003. 他教书59年. He passed away in February 2004 at the age of 79. 2019年. 贝尔死后被授予杰出校友奖,以表彰他在校园的成就和他长期的教育事业.

詹姆斯·巴比49岁 completed the Big 3 of the first known black male graduates of Evansville College. Barbee was also a charter member of the interracial fraternity Pi Kappa at Evansville College. 他担任了一年的财务主管. 中等教育专业, he was also voted as being a 校园 Notable during his tenure at Evansville College. Mr. Barbee was also active in pursuing the civil rights of black people in the Evansville 社区.