Academic Coaching

Academic coaches are available to meet with students in the Academic Success Lab or virtually. Coaching is free of charge for UE students.

Who are Academic coaches?

Academic coaches are upper-level or graduate students with a proven track record of academic success. They have a genuine interest in helping their peers achieve similar success. Academic coaches have been provided with resources and support to help them coach their students. They continue to build these skills through workshops and other training activities.

How can they help?

Academic coaches are trained to help meet the unique needs of each student. They offer resources in all aspects of the academic journey, including time management, study skills, note taking, and test preparation. They help their peers with school/life balance, stress management, organization, and generally navigating the challenges that can come with the college experience.

Students are encouraged to meet regularly with academic coaches and develop a peer-to-peer relationship to help them navigate the college experience.

How can I apply to be an Academic Coach?

Interested in joining the academic coaching team? Current UE students may contact Academic Services via e-mail at or in-person by visiting Olmsted 116 for an application. Faculty may also recommend students to be academic coaches.

Where can I find more information?

Contact Academic Services at or 812-488-2600. We look forward to hearing from you!